A sample of happy clients

Cindy Duenas, Executive Director, Center for Human Services

“Kate’s ability to create and hold a space for our leadership team has allowed us to work through complex issues in an intentional way.  We always walk away from these experiences with strong consensus for the decisions made and actionable plans to implement.”

Ruben Imperial, Stanislaus County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services

“The challenges our organization is wrestling with require substantive system-level change and complex stakeholder planning processes. With the help of Connect For, we effectively get many people to align their intentions across many diverse perspectives. And the differences between Connect For and other consultants we've worked with is that Kate brings expert planning and facilitation skills and leadership coaching, combined with local context and relationships. This all allows us to address the systemic and relational challenges associated with our work.”

Brandon Gillespie, Chief of Police, City of Modesto

“With renewed discussions about police reform, it has been critical to bring community stakeholders together in open, honest, and productive dialogue. Both Project Resolve and the Forward Together Initiative are achieving this goal, and I have experienced firsthand, new connections I would not have had if not for these workgroups. The working environment, group agreements, and spot-on facilitation have been key to bringing very diverse groups together to work towards a common goal.

In a world filled with turmoil, the work Kate is facilitating is keeping our community connected, strengthening partnerships, and inspiring new ideas. Our community is quickly becoming a model on how to bring diverse voices together in a collaborative manner to create positive change. Kate has been the cornerstone of this success.

From the moment I met Kate, I was drawn to the idea of improving whole systems. Her curiosity, ability to bring in different points of view and focus on inclusiveness have been critical to breaking down barriers and promoting strong relationships between diverse stakeholder groups.”